Friday, March 2, 2007


Although we will never forget them from thier great Saterday morning cartoons...the teenage mutant ninja turtles are back with a new animated movie warner bros is putting out. It will hit theaters on the 23rd. I wonder what it will be like??

1 comment:

Cesar Viteri said...

Funny... I bought a couple months ago a new edition of the original Eastman & Laird TMNT comic-books (previous to movies, cartoons and not exactly blood & violence free...) I thought re-publishing TMNT was part of the thirty-somethings-turned-parents driven revival of 80s and 90s toys and themes, but I never thought it was so deep as to include a new movie. Nostalgia sells, it seems.

Nice blog btw, though grey background does not fit the theme, does it? :o)
